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Aufregende Neuigkeiten für Dogecoin! Gewinne von 9 % über sieben Tage stärken Investorenoptimismus - Neue Memecoins warten auf Durchbruch!

Meme Moguls

Der Abwärtstrend für Dogecoin scheint überwunden zu sein. Nachdem der Dogecoin in einer Spanne gehandelt wurde, konnte er innerhalb der letzten 7 Tagen um beachtliche 9 % an Wert gewinnen. Dieser Anstieg hat eine neue Welle an Anlegeroptimismus ausgelöst. Dogecoin (DOGE) steigt im letzten Monat um 48 % an. Wird er auf weitere Gewinne blicken können? Dogecoin (DOGE), inspiriert von dem „doge“ Shiba Inu-Meme, wurde 2013 ins Leben gerufen. Im Jahr 2021 erreichte der Kurs ein Allzeithoch von 0,7376 $. Dieser Aufschwung wurde in erster Linie durch Begeisterung in den sozialen Medien angetrieben. Heitere Kommentare von prominenten Persönlichkeiten wie dem CEO von SpaceX, Elon Musk, verhalfen zu weiterem Auftrieb. Nach einer schwierigen Phase im Jahr 2023 hat der Dogecoin wieder Tritt gefasst. Im Dezember 2023 konnte der Dogecoin-Preis einen Wandel von einem monatlichen Tiefststand von 0,07149 Dollar auf einen Höchststand von 0,1058 Dollar verbuchen. Dogecoin konnte 19 grüne Tage (63 %) von 30 verzeichnen, mit einer Preisvolatilität von 9,87 % innerhalb der letzten 30 Tagen. Die Kryptowährung ist zum zehntgrößten Altcoin sowie zum größten Memecoin aufgestiegen und blickt auf eine Marktkapitalisierung von 12,8 Milliarden Dollar. Analysten haben einen Anstieg auf 0,117558 Dollar vor Ende Dezember prognostiziert. Bonk (BONK) konnte eine Marktkapitalisierung von 1 Milliarde Dollar erreichen Der Memecoin-Sektor hat einen neuen Anwärter, der Dogecoin überholen soll. Hierbei handelt es sich um Bonk (BONK). Der auf Solana basierende Memecoin überraschte den Memecoin-Markt, da er die Marktkapitalisierung von Floki und Pepe übertraf. Den Daten von CoinMarketCap ist zu entnehmen, dass Bonk mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von 1,14 Milliarden Dollar auf Platz 56 liegt. Dies ist eine beachtliche Leistung für Bonk, der noch nicht einmal ein Jahr alt ist. In der Zwischenzeit ist der BONK-Kurs um 61,3% von einem 7-Tage-Tief von 0,00000951 Dollar auf ein 7-Tage-Hoch von 0,00003286 Dollar gestiegen. Der Altcoin blickt auf eine 219,8 %ige und 572,6 %ige Kurspumpe auf dem 14- und 30-Tage-Chart. Analysten gehen davon aus, dass sich der Wert von Bonk im Dezember auf 0,00002042 Dollar erhöhen wird. Meme Moguls (MGLS) wird Bitcoin und Bonk im Dezember übertreffen Daher stehen zahlreiche Analysten den Zukunftsperspektiven von Meme Moguls (MGLS) mit Optimismus gegenüber. Sie betrachten die Plattform als den ultimativen Gegner, der Bonk und Dogecoin im Dezember übertreffen wird. Ist Meme Moguls wettbewerbsfähig? Wir werden sehen. Als neues ICO hat Meme Moguls sich schnell zu einem Vorreiter in der Memecoin-Community entwickelt. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine interaktive Plattform für Meme-Fans und Gamer.\ Den vielleicht spannendsten Aspekt stellt die Vermögensrangliste dar. Die 20 besten Spieler erhalten einen Anteil der Tageseinnahmen in Form von Geldpreisen, wodurch ein gesunder Wettbewerb untereinander gefördert wird. Die Rangliste nennt die besten Spieler, die an verschiedenen Wettbewerben und Turnieren teilnehmen. So konnte Meme Moguls ein inspirierendes Wettbewerbsumfeld für die Nutzer schaffen. Doch die Plattform kann mehr. Sie bietet sowohl kostenlose als auch kostenpflichtige Trading-Turniere an. Die Teilnehmer konkurrieren auf diese Weise um Geldpreise und besondere Meme-Collectibles mit berühmten Beispielen wie Pepe. Das Sammeln seltener Meme-Collectibles verleiht dem Erlebnis eine gewisse Wertigkeit. Es handelt sich hier nicht nur um ein Wettbewerbsspiel, sondern auch um die Einführung der Metaverse-Plattform Moguls World. In dieser virtuellen Welt können die Spieler Token abbauen, Stimmen abgeben und miteinander interagieren. Spaß haben und Geld verdienen. Moguls World macht den neuen ICO zu einer attraktiven Investitionsmöglichkeit. Darüber hinaus bietet Meme Moguls einen in das Spiel integrierten Marketplace, auf dem die Nutzer Gegenstände kaufen, verkaufen oder tauschen können. Sie können Spielgegenstände erwerben oder sie gegen echtes Geld eintauschen. Aktuell werden MGLS-Tokens für nur 0,0023 Dollar verkauft, was Raum für ein enormes Wachstum im Bullenmarkt bietet. Fazit Im Dezember 2023 bietet Meme Moguls ein größeres Potenzial als Dogecoin oder Bonk. Zusätzlich verfügt unter diesen Memecoins ausschließlich Meme Moguls über Utility. Dies bedeutet, dass die Chancen, die Dezember-Battle zu gewinnen, höher liegen. Darüber hinaus läuft derzeit das #MemeMoguls Community Mega Giveaway Event, bei dem 20.000 Dollar in Form von MGLS Token gewonnen werden können. Zahlreiche Investoren zeigen bereits Interesse, und die Handelsaktivität ist enorm gestiegen. Einer Preisrallye steht also nichts mehr im Wege. Zögern Sie nicht und beteiligen Sie sich an dem lukrativsten Krypto-Aufwärtstrend. Besuchen Sie Meme Moguls Das regulatorische Umfeld für Kryptowährungen ist dynamisch und variiert von Land zu Land. Es liegt in Ihrer Verantwortung bei einer Interaktion mit Meme Moguls, die in Ihrem Land oder Ihrer Region geltenden Gesetze und Vorschriften einzuhalten. Contact Details Maverick Company Website

December 21, 2023 02:55 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Des nouvelles enthousiasmantes pour le Dogecoin ! Une hausse de 9 % en 7 jours ravive l'optimisme des investisseurs - De nouvelles cryptomonnaies mèmes prêtes à exploser !

Meme Moguls

La tendance baissière du Dogecoin semble être révolue. Après avoir évolué dans une fourchette de prix, la valeur du Dogecoin a connu une hausse fulgurante, avec un gain notable de 9 % au cours des sept derniers jours. Cette hausse a suscité un nouvel élan d'optimisme chez les investisseurs. Le Dogecoin (DOGE) a augmenté de 48 % au cours du dernier mois. Va-t-il continuer à gagner du terrain? Le Dogecoin (DOGE), inspiré du mème Shiba Inu « doge », a été créé en 2013. En 2021, son prix a atteint un sommet historique de 0,7376 $. Cette hausse est principalement due à l'enthousiasme des réseaux sociaux. Les commentaires ludiques de personnalités influentes comme Elon Musk, PDG de SpaceX, l'ont encore stimulée. Après une période difficile en 2023, le Dogecoin a retrouvé son dynamisme. En décembre 2023, le cours du Dogecoin est passé d'un creux mensuel de 0,07149 $ à un pic de 0,1058 $. Le Dogecoin a enregistré 19 jours verts (63 %) sur 30, avec une volatilité de prix de 9,87 % au cours des 30 derniers jours. Le Dogecoin est désormais la 10 e plus grande altcoin et la plus importante meme coin, avec une capitalisation boursière de 12,8 milliards de dollars. Les analystes prévoient une hausse à 0,117558 $ avant la fin du mois de décembre. Bonk (BONK) a atteint une capitalisation boursière de 1 milliard de dollars Le secteur des meme coins a désormais un nouveau prétendant bien décidé à surpasser le Dogecoin. Il s'agit de Bonk (BONK). La meme coin basée sur Solana a pris le marché des meme coins par surprise en dépassant la capitalisation boursière de Floki et Pepe. Selon les données de CoinMarketCap, la capitalisation boursière de Bonk s'élève à 1,14 milliard de dollars, ce qui le classe à la 56 e place. C'est un exploit considérable pour Bonk, qui a moins d'un an d'existence. Pendant ce temps, le cours de BONK a augmenté de 61,3 %, passant d'un minimum sur 7 jours de 0,00000951 $ à un maximum sur 7 jours de 0,00003286 $. L’altcoin a enregistré une hausse de prix 219,8 % sur 14 jours et de 572,6 % sur 30 jours. Les analystes prévoient que la valeur de Bonk atteindra 0,00002042 $ en décembre. Meme Moguls (MGLS) dépassera Bitcoin et Bonk en décembre De nombreux analystes sont optimistes quant aux perspectives de Meme Moguls (MGLS). Ils le considèrent comme l'adversaire ultime capable de détrôner Bonk et Dogecoin en décembre. Meme Moguls peut-il rivaliser? Voyons ce qu'il en est. Meme Moguls, une nouvelle ICO, s’est rapidement imposée comme l’une des stars de la communauté des meme coins. Elle offre une plateforme interactive pour les amateurs de mèmes et les joueurs.\ L'aspect le plus intéressant de Meme Moguls est sans doute le classement des richesses. Les 20 meilleurs joueurs remportent une part des gains quotidiens sous forme de prix en espèces, ce qui favorise une saine concurrence entre eux. Ce classement met en avant les meilleurs joueurs qui participent à divers concours et tournois. Meme Moguls a ainsi créé un environnement compétitif stimulant entre les utilisateurs. Mais la plateforme ne s'arrête pas là. Elle propose également des tournois de trading gratuits et payants. Les participants s'affrontent pour des prix en espèces et des mèmes spéciaux à collectionner, parmi lesquels des exemples célèbres comme Pepe. La collecte de mèmes rares ajoute de la valeur à l'expérience. Il ne s'agit pas seulement d'une compétition; on y découvre également Moguls World, une plateforme de métavers. Dans ce monde virtuel, les joueurs peuvent extraire des jetons, miser sur des votes et interagir les uns avec les autres. S'amuser et gagner de l'argent. Moguls World transforme la nouvelle ICO en une opportunité d'investissement attrayante. En outre, Meme Moguls comprend un marché dans le jeu où les utilisateurs peuvent acheter, vendre ou échanger des objets. Les utilisateurs peuvent acheter des objets de jeu ou les échanger contre de l'argent réel. À l'heure actuelle, les jetons MGLS se vendent à seulement 0,0023 $, avec une marge de progression considérable dans un marché haussier. Conclusion Mais Meme Moguls offre un potentiel encore plus important que Dogecoin ou Bonk pour décembre 2023. De plus, parmi ces meme coins. Meme Moguls est la seule à avoir une utilité. Cela signifie que les chances qu'elle remporte la bataille de décembre sont plus élevées. De plus, l'événement #MemeMoguls Community Mega Giveaway est actuellement en cours avec 20 000 $ en jetons MGLS à gagner. De nombreux investisseurs manifestent déjà leur intérêt, avec une activité de trading en hausse. Une flambée du cours pourrait s'amorcer à tout moment. Alors, rejoignez le meilleur mouvement haussier des cryptomonnaies. Visiter Meme Moguls Le cadre réglementaire entourant les cryptomonnaies est dynamique et varie d'une juridiction à l'autre. Avant de vous engager avec Meme Moguls, il est de votre responsabilité de vous assurer que vous êtes en conformité avec les lois et règlements applicables dans votre pays ou région. Contact Details Maverick Company Website

December 21, 2023 02:53 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Bezos, Gates-Backed Mining Startup Launches Global Lithium Hunt


A California-based startup backed by tech billionaires Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos is embarking on a global expedition across four continents to find lithium deposits for the burgeoning electric vehicle market. KoBold Metals, which uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine-learning to uncover critical metals, just launched an ambitious four-continent search for lithium deposits in the US, Canada, South Korea, Australia and Africa. Utilizing machine learning for mineral deposit detection, KoBold identified a lithium prospect earlier in the year in the Baie James region of Canada, challenging previous assumptions about the lack of economic lithium deposits in that area. KoBold's journey into battery metals began three years ago in Canada, by securing exploration rights in northern Quebec. The startup has since acquired about a dozen exploration properties through joint ventures with industry giants like BHP and BlueJay Mining. With a primary goal of bridging the supply gap for the electrification of transportation, KoBold said it aims to contribute significantly to the burgeoning $5 trillion lithium market. As governments around the globe increase their zero emissions goals, new sources of high-quality lithium will become more and more essential to meet ever-rising demand. Fortunately, a lithium development company with a significant resource in Canada is making significant headway in becoming a major player in the sector. E3 Lithium Ltd. (TSXV:ETL) (FSE:OW3) (OTCQX:EEMMF) is a resource company with 16.0 million tonnes of lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE) in Measured and Indicated categories and 0.9 million tonnes LCE in the Inferred category. E3 Lithium 's objective is to produce high-purity, battery-grade lithium products to contribute to the growing electrical revolution. With a substantial lithium resource and innovative technology solutions, E3 Lithium aims to deliver lithium to the market from one of the world's best jurisdictions. E3 Lithium Outlines Growth Plans for 2024 Following Successful 2023 E3 Lithium is gearing up for substantial growth in 2024 following a successful 2023. The company achieved notable milestones during the past year, including upgrading its resource to 16.0 million tonnes of LCE, establishing a groundbreaking Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) field pilot plant in Alberta, producing high-purity battery-grade lithium hydroxide, and initiating a best-in-class PFS led by Fluor. “We set ambitious targets for ourselves in 2023 to advance our technology and our business; we have succeeded in accomplishing every milestone. The results we demonstrated in 2023 will continue to enable the completion of our PFS as we move into 2024,” said Chris Doornbos, E3 ’s President and CEO. “With the design of the commercial facility solidified, E3 can then contemplate a variety of growth and value creation opportunities on the back of our industry-leading resource and demonstrated DLE process.” The company also bolstered its financial position, securing a C$3.5 million grant from Natural Resources Canada and raising close to C$30 million through oversubscribed fundraises. E3 Lithium continued to grow and mature as a company, expanding its team, Board of Directors, and Advisory Committee, while actively collaborating with partners such as Imperial Oil and Pure Lithium. As E3 Lithium (TSXV:ETL) (FSE:OW3) (OTCQX:EEMMF) looks ahead to 2024, the company plans to progress reservoir development, advance DLE testing and analysis, announce the selection of a lithium refining vendor, and expand its team to support increased commercial activities. The company is also exploring additional opportunities to enhance shareholder value and plans to publish the first Alberta lithium Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) outlining updated project economics and leading to the booking of Canada’s first lithium in brine reserves. Detailed guidance for 2024 will be provided in the New Year, accompanied by a webinar featuring Chris Doornbos. Please visit this link or their website at for more information about E3 Lithium Ltd (TSXV:ETL) (OTCQX:EEMMF). Disclosure: 1) The author of the Article, or members of the author’s immediate household or family, do not own any securities of the companies outlined in this Article. The author determined which companies would be included in this article based on research and understanding of the sector. 2) The Article was issued on behalf of and sponsored by, E3 Lithium Ltd. Market Jar Media Inc. was paid $1,500 USD for the production and publishing of this article by E3 Lithium Ltd.’s Digital Marketing Agency of Record (Native Ads Inc.). Additional details relating to Market Jar Media Inc.’s engagement by E3 Lithium Ltd.’s Digital Marketing Agency of Record (Native Ads Inc.) are set out in 3) Statements and opinions expressed are the opinions of the author and not Market Jar Media Inc., its directors or officers. The author is wholly responsible for the validity of the statements. The author was not paid by Market Jar Media Inc. for this Article. Market Jar Media Inc. was not paid by the author to publish or syndicate this Article. Market Jar has not independently verified or otherwise investigated all such information. None of Market Jar or any of their respective affiliates, guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any such information. The information provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Market Jar Media Inc. requires contributing authors to disclose any shareholdings in, or economic relationships with, companies that they write about. Market Jar Media Inc. relies upon the authors to accurately provide this information and Market Jar Media Inc. has no means of verifying its accuracy. 4) The Article does not constitute investment advice. All investments carry risk and each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her individual financial professional. Any action a reader takes as a result of the information presented here is his or her own responsibility. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Market Jar Media Inc.'s terms of use and full legal disclaimer as set forth here. This Article is not a solicitation for investment. Market Jar Media Inc. does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Market Jar Media Inc. does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company mentioned on 5) Market Jar Media Inc. and its respective directors, officers and employees hold no shares for any company mentioned in the Article. 6) This document contains forward-looking information and forward-looking statements, within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation, (collectively, “forward-looking statements”), which reflect management's expectations regarding E3 Lithium Ltd.’s future growth, future business plans and opportunities, expected activities, and other statements about future events, results or performance. Wherever possible, words such as “predicts”, “projects”, “targets”, “plans”, “expects”, “does not expect”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “anticipate” or “does not anticipate”, “believe”, “intend” and similar expressions or statements that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative or grammatical variation thereof or other variations thereof, or comparable terminology have been used to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, among other things, statements relating to: (a) revenue generating potential with respect to E3 Lithium Ltd.’s industry; (b) market opportunity; (c) E3 Lithium Ltd.’s business plans and strategies; (d) services that E3 Lithium Ltd. intends to offer; (e) E3 Lithium Ltd.’s milestone projections and targets; (f) E3 Lithium Ltd.’s expectations regarding receipt of approval for regulatory applications; (g) E3 Lithium Ltd.’s intentions to expand into other jurisdictions including the timeline expectations relating to those expansion plans; and (h) E3 Lithium Ltd.’s expectations with regarding its ability to deliver shareholder value. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance and are based upon a number of estimates and assumptions of management in light of management’s experience and perception of trends, current conditions and expected developments, as well as other factors that management believes to be relevant and reasonable in the circumstances, as of the date of this document including, without limitation, assumptions about: (a) the ability to raise any necessary additional capital on reasonable terms to execute E3 Lithium Ltd.’s business plan; (b) that general business and economic conditions will not change in a material adverse manner; (c) E3 Lithium Ltd.’s ability to procure equipment and operating supplies in sufficient quantities and on a timely basis; (d) the accuracy of budgeted costs and expenditures; (e) E3 Lithium Ltd.’s ability to attract and retain skilled personnel; (f) political and regulatory stability; (g) the receipt of governmental, regulatory and third-party approvals, licenses and permits on favorable terms; (h) changes in applicable legislation; (i) stability in financial and capital markets; and (j) expectations regarding the level of disruption to as a result of CV-19. Such forward-looking information involves a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual plans, intentions, activities, results, performance or achievements of E3 Lithium Ltd. to be materially different from any future plans, intentions, activities, results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks include, without limitation: (a) E3 Lithium Ltd.’s operations could be adversely affected by possible future government legislation, policies and controls or by changes in applicable laws and regulations; (b) public health crises such as CV-19 may adversely impact E3 Lithium Ltd.’s business; (c) the volatility of global capital markets; (d) political instability and changes to the regulations governing E3 Lithium Ltd.’s business operations (e) E3 Lithium Ltd. may be unable to implement its growth strategy; and (f) increased competition. Except as required by law, E3 Lithium Ltd. undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future event or otherwise, after the date on which the statements are made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. Neither does E3 Lithium Ltd. nor any of its representatives make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, sufficiency or completeness of the information in this document. Neither E3 Lithium Ltd. nor any of its representatives shall have any liability whatsoever, under contract, tort, trust or otherwise, to you or any person resulting from the use of the information in this document by you or any of your representatives or for omissions from the information in this document. 7) Any graphs, tables or other information demonstrating the historical performance or current or historical attributes of E3 Lithium Ltd. or any other entity contained in this document are intended only to illustrate historical performance or current or historical attributes of E3 Lithium Ltd. or such entities and are not necessarily indicative of future performance of E3 Lithium Ltd. or such entities. 8) Investing is risky. The information provided in this article should not be considered as a substitute for professional financial consultation. Users should be aware that investing in any form carries inherent risks, and as such, there is a possibility of losing some or all of their investment. The value of investments can fluctuate significantly within a short period, and investors must understand that past performance is not indicative of future results. Additionally, users should exercise caution as transactions involving investments may be irreversible, even in cases of fraud or accidental actions. It is crucial to acknowledge that rapidly evolving laws and technical issues can have adverse effects on the usability, transferability, exchangeability, and value of investments. Furthermore, users must be cognizant of potential security risks associated with their investment activities. Individuals are strongly encouraged to conduct thorough research, seek professional advice, and carefully evaluate their risk tolerance before engaging in any investment endeavors. Market Jar Media Inc. is neither an investment adviser nor a broker-dealer. The information presented on the website is provided for informative purposes only and is not to be treated as a recommendation to make any specific investment. No such information on constitutes advice or a recommendation. Contact Details James Young +1 800-340-9767 Company Website

December 21, 2023 02:45 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Benzinga Announces "2024 Outlook: 8+ Experts Close The Door On 2023” Event


Benzinga, a financial media company headquartered in Detroit, announces the upcoming event, "2024 Outlook: 8+ Experts Close The Door On 2023." This live virtual event takes place on Friday, 12/22/2023 at 8:30 AM ET and will deliver direct insights into the financial landscape as we transition into the new year, featuring expert analyses, discussions on Federal Reserve pivot talks, and a forward-looking exploration of opportunities in 2024. Event Overview Title: 2024 Outlook: 8+ Experts Close The Door On 2023 Produced by: Mitch Hoch Presented by: BenzingaTV Sponsored by: TechniTrader Featured Guests Jay Woods - Chief Global Strategist at Freedom Cap Markets Todd Gordon - Founder, Inside Edge Capital | Founder, Martha Stokes, CMT - CEO at TechniTrader Cameron Dawson, CFA - Chief Investment Officer at NewEdge Wealth Ryan Detrick - Chief Market Strategist at Carson Group Sam Stovall - Chief Investment Strategist at CFRA Michael Lee - Founder at Michael Lee Strategy and Thomas Hayes - Chairman at Great Hill Capital (L/S Equity) Agenda Technical Analysis: Martha Stokes and others will take a statistical approach to analyzing market trends. Politics 2024 & Jerome Powell's Grading On 2023: Michael Lee and Thomas Hayes will discuss the political landscape in 2024 and evaluate Jerome Powell's performance in 2023. Event Details Date and Time: December 22, 2023 8:30 AM ET Venue: “BenzingaTV is excited to host the 2024 Outlook: 8+ Experts Close The Door On 2023,” says show producer Mitch Hoch. “We are looking forward to providing investors with the tools they need to make educated choices in 2024, with insight from top experts on Wall Street.” About Benzinga Benzinga is a leading financial media and data provider, known for delivering accurate, timely, and actionable financial information to empower investors and traders. Contact Details Benzinga Scott Rushlow +1 248-207-2805 Company Website

December 21, 2023 02:37 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Unleashing Wealth Effect: HTX's Dive into AI, BRC20, MEME, New Public Chains, and More Emerging Sectors in the Crypto Space


As 2023 draws to a close, the cryptocurrency market exhibits a robust upward trend, navigating through the early-year volatility and fueled by the market sentiment regarding the potential approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF by the SEC at year-end. Moreover, over the course of the year, key players in sector rotation—such as AI, BRC20, MEME, and emerging public chain sectors—have adeptly filled market gaps. HTX serves as a significant contributor to market liquidity. It has played a crucial role in fostering the wealth effect across the four mainstream sectors in the crypto space. Among the top-performing 58 cryptocurrencies, $PEPE, listed by HTX, has created a legend, achieving an extraordinary nearly 2,000-fold increase. In the new public chain sector, where narratives unfold with each bull-bear cycle, HTX selected SUI and SEI among others, enabling its users to gain remarkable asset growth of 206 times and 178 times respectively. Riding the New Wave of the Crypto Sphere: Unlocking Wealth Opportunities at Every Turn Let's begin with the coin PEPE. In general, MEME tokens performed well throughout 2023. The MEME sector represents a fusion of entertainment and value, often imbued with a robust cultural and community flavor. The best MEME tokens, such as PEPE, don't merely unite popular culture with digital currency, they emerge as a dynamic force reshaping the cryptocurrency market, leading this unique market segment. In this trend, even some crypto veterans who consider Bitcoin as "digital gold" find themselves reevaluating assets with a "MEME nature". Even ORDI, essentially a MEME token, proves elusive when it comes to defining its specific utility, yet its intrinsic allure endures. Simply put, the imagination space is always the best support for the price of MEME tokens. In addition, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) tokens emerging in the current cryptocurrency market, HTX promptly listed WLD (WorldCoin) on its platform, providing holders with an extraordinary return of 54 times. Furthermore, in the evergreen BRC20 sector, HTX is the first mainstream exchange to get BRC20 tokens listed. ORDI, for example, has delivered impressive performance, achieving a growth of 53 times. HTX has always kept a close eye on the cutting-edge technology within the industry. The introduction of AI has brought innovative thinking and business models to the cryptocurrency market. In addition to WLD, HTX also listed ChainGPT (CGPT), a representative asset in the AI+Crypto sector, right from the outset. As an AI-powered token launched on the BNB Chain, CGPT is a unique asset that combines AI algorithms and question-answering capabilities with blockchain technology. Despite being issued on the BNB Chain, HTX embraced CGPT warmly, emphasizing its ongoing dedication to discovering high-quality assets. Anyway, the wealth myth recognizes no distinctions between camps. In 2023, HTX effectively covered the entire spectrum of the industry in terms of asset listings. Reflecting on HTX's new listings in 2023, one can observe that the platform has been at the forefront, actively seeking and promoting new assets. Consistently, within each hot trend in the crypto sphere, some assets newly listed on HTX showcase robust performance. By fully exploring the potential of the cryptocurrency market, HTX's new token listings in 2023 offer investors a genuine first-mover advantage. Through a process of rigorous screening and in-depth market research, HTX carefully selects and promotes new tokens with huge growth potential. This initiative not only provides a gateway for investors choosing the platform to comprehend and engage in the emerging digital currency market but also promotes the development and prosperity of the entire crypto economic ecosystem. HTX, with its steadfast commitment and formidable capabilities, proves its crucial position as a major force in the industry. Embracing Web 3.0 Trends in the Battle for Emerging Sectors within Crypto Space In the past, the crypto market was mainly seen as a place for creating wealth. However, with the ongoing evolution of blockchain technology, it has increasingly intertwined with diverse industries. The fusion of AI technology and cryptocurrency, for instance, has given rise to novel collaboration models. Additionally, Bitcoin has garnered sustained industry support, not only as an investment but also in rejuvenating traditional assets. The advent of MEME tokens and BRC20 tokens has introduced fresh application scenarios for Bitcoin, consequently augmenting its overall value. AI-Crypto Fusion: A Leading Bullish Narrative in the Crypto Sphere The crypto market resembles an unrestricted Nasdaq exchange for AI, where data and computing power symbolize market sentiment and pricing, reflecting the prospective value of AI in this space. Presently, the convergence trend between AI and cryptocurrency is progressing at an unprecedented pace. According to CoinMarketCap data, the total market capitalization of the global cryptocurrency market has surpassed $2 trillion. Simultaneously, the scale of the global artificial intelligence market is experiencing rapid growth, projected to reach nearly $600 billion by 2025. In this environment, "AI + Crypto" is not only a conceptual combination but also an innovation at the practical application level. With a keen eye on the AI landscape, HTX has listed AI-related digital assets in 2023, namely, WLD, CGPT, and PAAL. ● AI + Data: Taking WLD as an example, its most significant innovation lies in the integration of ZKML (Zero Knowledge Proof Machine Learning) and Proof of Personhood. This creates a genuinely privacy-protected, global, blockchain-based data platform for mankind, fostering the collective sharing of AI's immense productivity. ● AI + Algorithm: Taking CGPT as an example, it seamlessly incorporates AI algorithms and question-answering capabilities into the blockchain. ● AI + Computing Power: Taking PAAL as an example, it delves into the core of machine learning (ML) technology, emphasizing an understanding of human needs that goes beyond mere competition between models and computing power. HTX's newly listed assets have covered the more refined segments of the AI sector, revealing HTX's deep understanding of the evolving trends in AI technology. Looking ahead, as AI becomes a symbol of advanced productivity permeating every facet of human society, the narrative of AI-Crypto fusion is expected to unfold more surprises within the crypto space. BRC-20 Tokens Unleashing the "Inscription Summer" and Sparking a New Era of Boom for Bitcoin BRC20 is approximately equivalent to the ERC20 standard on Ethereum. The introduction of BRC20, ORC, and DRC unlocks many new possibilities for Bitcoin and its forks. Bitcoin can now perform additional functions beyond its traditional transfer and block confirmation. Despite market volatility, Bitcoin's value and scope of application have continued to expand in the long term after the "Inscription Summer". Among them, the most striking is the miners' great victory. Since its introduction to the Bitcoin network in February 2023, the Bitcoin inscription function has consumed a considerable amount of block space. The inscription function allows for more transactions to be included in a block. The size and number of transactions in the Bitcoin mempool have significantly increased since the inscription function was introduced. The function of inscriptions in the Bitcoin network can be likened to packing materials in a box. Typically, they don't replace high-value crypto transfers but instead utilize any available block space not occupied by crypto transactions. The hashrate of the Bitcoin network, a measure of computing power, has surged by 50% since the introduction of the inscription function in February 2023. The upcoming Bitcoin halving cycle is anticipated to take place in 2024. During the halving, the reward for mining a new block will be halved, diminishing expected returns for miners. In response, miners might find a stronger incentive to expand the number of tokens within the BRC20 ecosystem. ORDI, the first BRC-20 token created on the Bitcoin blockchain, has already been listed on HTX. Following a brief retracement, ORDI is gaining popularity, firmly establishing itself as the leading BRC20 token. Concurrently, HTX has listed SATS and RATS, providing users seeking potential BRC20 tokens with a more secure alternative off-chain. Overall, the introduction of the inscription function in the Bitcoin blockchain has undeniably had a profound impact on transaction patterns, miner economics, and network status. With the ongoing evolution of the Bitcoin network and the expanding use of the inscription function, these changes are expected to endure, giving rise to new trends. MEME Coins Capture Retail Investors' Interest, While New Public Chains Unveil Significant Growth Potential HTX has dedicated continuous efforts to both the MEME sector and the new public chains. As a steadfast supporter of the MEME sector, HTX listed many popular MEME tokens in 2023, including VOLT, PEPE, AIGOGE, MONG, WSM, and MEME. Notably, PEPE saw a remarkable surge, boasting an astounding 1999-fold increase. MEME is a unique breed in the crypto world, a financial product based on emotions. If options are derivatives of spot, then the MEMEs of each stage are the inscriptions of the current history, representing the unique memories of an era. They continue to evolve as cultural cycles replicate, reproduce, and propagate. The existence of MEME coins is more like a cultural expression, a recognition by retail investors of the culture of a specific community. Dogecoin (DOGE) is one of the most famous MEME tokens. It was launched in 2013 with the Shiba Inu as its mascot and quickly became a cultural icon of the cryptocurrency world. This year, PepeCoin is undoubtedly the successor to the MEME legend. It uses Pepe the Frog as its image and has attracted a group of passionate followers of the Sad Pepe. HTX's data reveals its huge support for the MEME sector in 2023, largely aligning with its "user-first" strategy. Meanwhile, HTX's focus on the public chain sector is also evident with the listing of assets such as FLR, ARB, SUI, SEI, TON, and CBK. Additionally, the listing of BONK on Solana underscores its broad vision in the public chain domain. Old public chains, L2, and new public chains still hold potential value. In addition to Ethereum, public chains such as Polkadot, Cosmos, Solana, NEAR, and Avalanche have demonstrated their diversity with their unique technological innovations. The emergence of Ethereum's Layer-2 solutions, particularly the rise of Arbitrum Rollup and Optimistic Rollup, has garnered significant market attention for new public chains like Aptos and Sui, even in their early stages of inception. From a long-term perspective, the exploration and advancement of new public chain technologies are crucial, as they have the potential to bring innovation to the entire blockchain ecosystem in specific scenarios. HTX encourages innovation and has always been at the forefront of the industry in searching for innovative projects. It's noteworthy that HTX has also listed WSTUSDT, a token in the RWA sector. Looking ahead, we anticipate that HTX will make more tokens in the RWA sector available for purchase in the future. Exploring New Crypto Sectors: HTX Brings Wealth Growth Opportunities for Users HTX's core competency lies in the discovery and listing of new assets. The four major sectors discussed in this article serve as mere examples. At present, HTX has introduced 58 potential coins and high-quality assets spanning different sectors in 2023. HTX's impressive performance in listing new assets in 2023 has demonstrated its unwavering commitment to advancing the development of the crypto industry. The market is gradually recovering, with a bull run on the horizon. HTX is not resting on its laurels. Instead, it continues to track the pulse of the market and explore opportunities by dedicating itself to the exploration of new sectors and tokens. By improving market awareness and deepening industrial layout, HTX aims to provide users with a more diverse range of asset choices and investment opportunities. In the ever-evolving cryptocurrency industry, an exchange earns market favor only by adeptly spotting market shifts and meeting user needs. HTX has excelled in this regard, discovering new assets and boldly getting them listed on its platform. In doing so, HTX constantly creates wealth growth opportunities for its users. In the vast and boundless world of cryptocurrency, exploring and listing new assets has always been the primary focus of HTX's endeavors. About HTX Founded in 2013, HTX has evolved from a virtual asset exchange into a comprehensive ecosystem of blockchain businesses that span digital asset trading, financial derivatives, wallets, research, investments, incubation, and other businesses. As a world-leading gateway to Web3, we harbor global capabilities that enable us to provide users with safe and reliable services. Our growth strategy - "Global Expansion, Thriving Ecosystem, Wealth Effect, Security & Compliance", underpins our commitment to providing quality services and values to virtual asset enthusiasts worldwide. Contact Details Michael Wang Company Website

December 21, 2023 12:59 PM Eastern Standard Time

Article thumbnail News Release

Dive into the Holidays with HTX's Christmas and New Year Giveaway: A Cascade of Special Promotions Await


As we bid farewell to 2023, it stands as a pivotal year in the realm of cryptocurrencies. This year witnessed the crypto market experiencing a roller-coaster ride, transitioning from a bear market to a remarkable bull run. In 2023, Bitcoin embarked on an extraordinary journey, with its price surging from $16,500 at the year's outset to a recent peak of $44,000 — an increase of over 2.5 times. Unexpectedly, the BRC-20 sector and the Bitcoin ecosystem emerged as the most appealing investment opportunities in the crypto space. Meanwhile, the anticipation surrounding the approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF remains high. Additionally, Memecoins, led by Pepe, together with the most promising Layer 2 solutions - ZK Rollups and Optimistic Rollups - have taken turns in boosting the crypto market, continuously setting historic milestones Now, with Christmas and New Year’s around the corner, we would love to express our gratitude for the companionship and support of both new and existing users. HTX is launching a grand festival celebration gala: "To Celebrate Christmas and Embrace the New Year! Join HTX's Events to Grab Your Share of Million-Dollar Benefits". It will feature a series of special promotions, offering substantial festive season benefits. HTX users will have the opportunity to gain rewards by participating in these events, including PrimeVote, PrimePool, Shark Fin, Mars Program, etc. For event details, please click the link: Event 1: HTX's 10th PrimeVote: Amass Rockets to Vote for Your Favorite Projects and Win a Good Luck Prize! As per HTX's official announcement, the 10th round of HTX's PrimeVote event was launched on December 18, 2023. With Rockets, users will receive votes to participate in PrimeVote and help get their favorite project listed. The shortlisted projects include Coupon Assets (CA), Babygrok (BABYGROK), Bart Simpson Coin (BART), and more. The project that wins the most votes will be eligible to list its crypto on HTX for trading. The announcement shows that the event is divided into three phases, as follows: Sharing Period: 12:00 (UTC) on Dec 18, 2023 - 12:00 (UTC) on Dec 19, 2023. Voting Period - Preliminary: 12:00 (UTC) on Dec 19, 2023 - 12:00 (UTC) on Dec 21, 2023. Voting Period - Final: 12:30 (UTC) on Dec 21, 2023 - 12:30 (UTC) on Dec 22, 2023. Participants are free to vote for a project during the event. Simultaneously, a participant can choose to become either a lead voter or a follower. Users who vote for the winning project in the Final will be eligible to share the prize pool (All lead voters and their followers for the winning project are included.) The prize pool for the event is sponsored by the winning project. Winners can split the prize pool based on the proportion of their votes relative to the total votes. The more a participant votes, the more they stand to win. Each winner can get a maximum of 50,000 USDT. Furthermore, by enrolling in this round of PrimeVote event, participants have the opportunity to become a "Lucky Winner" and receive an additional reward, which constitutes 1% of the event's total prize pool. The Good Luck Prize will be determined by a lucky draw that utilizes TRON block hash values to match the vote counts of participants in the Final phase. In essence, at the conclusion of the Final phase, HTX will use the last three digits of the TRON block hash value at that time as the winning sequence, matching it with the last three digits of the vote counts of participants in the Final phase. The participant whose vote count matches the winning sequence will be declared the "Lucky Winner". * Announcement link: Event 2: PrimePool #12: Simply Lock TRX to Share 3,000,000 MUSIC HTX's 12th round of PrimePool has taken place from 12:00 (UTC) on December 12, 2023, to 12:00 (UTC) on January 9, 2024. Participants will have the chance to share a generous prize pool of 3,000,000 MUSIC by locking their TRX. Gala Music, as featured, is a music platform that strives to empower artists and their followers through unique experiences, products, and rewards. The 12th round of PrimePool is conducted through a partnership between HTX and TRON, utilizing TRX for mining. Participants are required to have a minimum lock-up of 2,500 TRX, enjoying the benefits of flexible deposits and redemptions as needed. One hour after the event starts, participants will receive the previous hour's reward in the following hour after locking their TRX for an hour. The hourly reward that participants receive is determined by the actual amount of TRX they lock in for an hour. Different tier factors are applied to calculate users' effective locked amounts. * Announcement link: Event 3: Compete for 200,000 USDT at HTX Futures Bonanza As per the exchange's official announcement, the HTX Futures Bonanza features four major events and a staggering prize pool of 200,000 USDT. The Futures Bonanza is ongoing from 08:00 (UTC) on December 14, 2023, to 16:00 (UTC) on January 3, 2024. See below for more details: 1. Deposit and Earn Rebates. During the event, participants who deposit funds to their HTX futures accounts and perform futures trades will be rewarded accordingly with up to 3,000 USDT. (For new users, rewards will be multiplied by 50%.) 2. Grab up to 1 BTC at Futures Trading Challenge. During the event, participants will stand a chance to win 1 BTC, if they perform or copy trades of USDT-margined perpetual futures under the cross or isolated margin mode. To be eligible for these rewards, participants need to achieve a cumulative trading volume of ≥ 10,000 USDT. 3. Split 80,000 USDT at the Copy Trading Carnival. For followers who are new to copy trading, they will receive a 10 USDT trial bonus by depositing at least 100 USDT to their Copy Trading accounts and making their first copied trade of any amount. Only the first 2,000 qualifiers will receive the reward. Additionally, followers will be eligible to share a pool of 35,000 USDT by completing copy trading tasks. For lead traders, those performing their first leading trade will stand a chance to earn up to 100 USDT. Rewards will be given to the first 500 qualified traders. Traders who execute lead trades daily will be eligible to share a prize pool. The more consecutive days traders check in, the higher bonuses they will receive—claim up to 8,000 USDT. 4. Refer Friends and Earn Rewards. Refer friends to complete futures trades, and the inviter will receive rewards from this event and earn a 30% lifetime commission based on the invitees' trading fees. Inviter's rewards can accumulate when more invitees complete trading volumes. * Announcement link: Event 4: Enjoy Highly Attractive APYs on HTX's 3-Day Shark Fin HTX has introduced a series of 3-day Shark Fin products and rolled out an exclusive bonus month for these products, offering highly attractive APYs. The first phase was available for subscription at 12:00 (UTC) on December 11 (Monday), 2023, offering an estimated 10%-30% APY. Subsequently, subscription for the 3-day Shark Fin is open from 12:00 (UTC) on Mondays to 12:00 (UTC) on Tuesdays. * Announcement link: Event 5: HTX Unveils Mars Program Round 5 in Partnership with Dogelon Mars: Triple Rewards Await According to an official announcement from HTX, the exchange announced the launch of the 5th round of the Mars Program in collaboration with Dogelon Mars (ELON) On December 20. With Dogelon Mars on board, lucky users from the 5th round of the HTX Mars Program will enjoy triple grand rewards, including a chance to compete with shortlisted space candidates for a coveted $6 million space travel, a round trip experience on Justin's private jet, and 50 billion of $EION tokens. The announcement reveals that the task period for the Mars Program Round 5 is scheduled to take place from 12:00 (UTC) on December 20, 2023, to 15:59 (UTC) on January 10, 2024. The Space NFT minting period is from 12:00 (UTC) on December 20, 2023, to 15:59 (UTC) on January 15, 2024. Participants need to link their TRON addresses on the event page to receive the minted NFTs. The lucky draw for the Mars Program Round 5 will be held via HTX Live at 12:00 (UTC) on January 17, 2024. The lucky winner shall be the holder of the NFT number that has been drawn. Dogelon Mars (ELON) is a meme coin built on the Ethereum blockchain and has a sizable community and broad recognition. Its token ELON reached an all-time high of 0.0000026 USDT and peaked at 0.000000494 USDT in 2023. Till date, HTX has successfully held four rounds of the Mars Program and the program's influence within the industry has steadily increased as it forges ahead. HTX plans to collaborate with more partners, to further explore the integration of cryptocurrency and space ventures, unlocking the infinite possibilities for crypto applications. * Announcement link: Event 6: Refer Friends to Unlock Mystery Boxes and Vie for 1 BTC Together In recent events, HTX launched a referral campaign at the year-end. By inviting friends, both the inviter and the invitee can unlock Mystery Boxes, win up to 1,000 USDT in futures trial bonuses, and compete for the supreme prize of 1 BTC. The event will last from 12:00 (UTC) on December 21, 2023, to 15:59 (UTC) on January 3, 2024. Explore the details of the event below: 1. Unlock Christmas Mystery Boxes: Each time the invitee completes the designated tasks, both the inviter and the invitee stand a chance to win Mystery Boxes worth up to 1,500 USDT. 2. Top Inviters Contest: Those who successfully bring in at least 5 valid invitees and secure a spot within the top 100 inviters will be eligible for up to 1,000 USDT in futures trial bonuses. Please note that a valid invitee is defined as a user who signs up on HTX during the event period and achieves a cumulative trading volume of ≥100 USDT. 3. 1 BTC Supreme Prize: When inviting new and existing users to trade spots or futures on HTX, the inviter will enjoy a limited-time 30% increase in commission and have a chance to win up to 1 BTC. * Announcement link: Event 7: Perform Margin Trades On HTX to Share 20,000 USDT In HTX's official announcement, HTX Margin is presenting a special promotion for margin trading, offering a generous prize pool of 20,000 USDT. The event is scheduled to take place from 12:00 (UTC) on December 21, 2023, to 12:00 (UTC) on January 3, 2024. There are 16 cryptos applicable to the event, such as ETH/USDT, LINK/USDT, LTC/USDT, DOGE/USDT, etc. Find additional event details below: 1. Ranking by Margin Trading Volume: During the event period, participants who trade the designated cryptocurrencies on margin and reach a cumulative trading volume of at least 5,000 USDT will be ranked based on their trading volume. They will share 15,000 USDT in 100% Margin Interest Vouchers. 2. Perform First Margin Trade with Zero Trading Fees (Exclusive for New Users): During the event, new users of HTX Margin will enjoy zero trading fees for their first margin trades. Additionally, they will have an exclusive opportunity to share 5,000 USDT in 100% Margin Interest Vouchers based on their trading volume. * Announcement link: Event 8: HTX Unveils Weekend Trading Carnival #6: Grab Christmas Good Luck Prizes HTX is rolling out a special Christmas event in the new round of Weekend Trading Carnival. Participants who perform spot and futures trades during the event period will be eligible to claim exclusive rewards. Additionally, they also stand a chance to enter a lucky draw to win a Christmas Gift Box worth 60 USDT or a 66 USDT futures trial bonus. The special Christmas event is ongoing from 12:00 (UTC) on December 22, 2023, to 12:00 (UTC) on December 24, 2023. During the event period, users can earn rewards in the form of Badges and BTT with the potential to earn up to 50 Badges and 9,999 BTT. Additionally, by completing futures trades with a minimum trading volume of 8,000 USDT, users can win between 1 to 5 USDT in futures trial bonuses. Furthermore, the platform will randomly select five lucky winners from among participants who have completed any of the above tasks. Each winner will receive a Good Luck Prize, which can be either a Christmas Gift Box worth 60 USDT or a 66 USDT futures trial bonus. * Announcement link: Event 9: Complete P2P Tasks to Split 10,000 USDT and Unlock Crypto Mystery Boxes Worth Up to 1,000 USDT For HTX’s P2P promotion, users can unlock Mystery Boxes and stand a chance to share in a 10,000 USDT prize pool. The announcement reveals that the event is scheduled to take place from 00:00 (UTC) on December 19, 2023, to 00:00 (UTC) on January 6, 2024. Upon completing designated P2P tasks, users are eligible to unlock Crypto Mystery Boxes, each worth up to 1,000 USDT. * Announcement link: Event 10: HTX Fiat's Christmas Exclusive: Enjoy Up to 30% Cashback by Using Credit/Debit Cards to Purchase Cryptocurrencies The final unveil is for HTX Fiat, launching an exclusive Christmas promotion from 10:00 (UTC) on December 21, 2023 to10:00 (UTC) on January 5, 2024. Users will be ranked based on their daily transaction amounts. Each day, the platform will select the top three users who use their credit/debit cards to purchase cryptocurrencies. The winners will have the opportunity to earn a 30%, 20%, and 10% cashback reward, respectively. Additionally, HTX will select the top 1,000 users who make cryptocurrency purchases of 300 USDT or more using their credit/debit cards. Those selected will be granted a 10 USDT futures trial bonus each. * Announcement link: Summary A noteworthy chapter in cryptocurrency unfolded in 2023. The total crypto market cap experienced a remarkable resurgence, symbolizing the market's recovery from the prolonged "crypto winter". HTX concluded its first decade of secure operations with impressive performances, and meanwhile, it successfully underwent an international strategic transformation through a brand upgrade. This rebranding marks the beginning of a new journey into the next decade. Staying true to its original vision, HTX is poised to reaffirm its role as a pioneering force in the crypto realm, serving as a gateway for users to access the decentralized world and paving the path for a decentralized future. Look ahead to 2024, anticipate a future filled with increased openness and innovation in the Web3 sphere. Look forward to an even better HTX! About HTX Founded in 2013, HTX has evolved from a crypto exchange into a comprehensive ecosystem of blockchain businesses that span digital asset trading, financial derivatives, wallets, research, investment, incubation and other areas. HTX serves millions of users worldwide, with a business presence covering over 160 countries and regions across five continents. Its three development strategies - "global development, technology drives development, and technology for good" underpin its commitment to providing comprehensive services and values to global cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Contact Details Michael Wang Company Website

December 21, 2023 12:46 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Web3 Growth Marketing Leader Addressable Completes $13.5M Raise Led by BITKRAFT


Addressable, Web3 growth marketing leader, announced today the successful closure of its second funding round this year, reaching a total of $13.5 million so far. The infusion of capital will enable Addressable to supercharge its Web3 Growth Suite and expand its service to new ad networks and blockchains, solidifying its status as the Web3 growth marketing category leader. This significant milestone is based on Addressable’s strong momentum in its journey toward solving the Web3 Growth problem for businesses. The funding round was led by BITKRAFT Ventures, with participation from strategic investor Karatage, joining existing investors Viola Ventures, Fabric Ventures, Mensch Capital Partners, North Island Ventures, and several other strategic investors. Addressable’s capabilities have expanded significantly, enabling the attribution of crypto wallet owners across 400,000 websites, including Bloomberg, The New York Times, and Yahoo Finance. Addressable now spans three new ad networks, including Unity, Pubmatic, and Magnite, in addition to the initial coverage of the Twitter ad network. This expansion enables Addressable to provide more comprehensive and targeted paid ad campaigns across social networks, websites, and mobile apps. Additionally, Addressable's 1-Click SDK Installation, approved by Google and available on Google Tag Manager, simplifies the integration process for marketers, allowing for effortless tracking of website conversions, wallet connects, and blockchain conversions. Integrations with the Twitter Pixel, DSP pixels, Mixpanel, and Google Analytics further streamline conversion event tracking. “Addressable's commitment to revolutionizing Web3 Growth remains steadfast, and it becomes even more important in the current market,” stated Tomer Sharoni, co-founder and CEO at Addressable. “We're thrilled to lead Addressable's new investment round. As the gaming industry continues to evolve and expand its digital footprint, it's evident that Web3 technologies will play a crucial role in shaping the future of user engagement. Addressable's innovative Web3 growth suite stands out as a game-changer, offering marketers powerful tools to navigate this dynamic landscape and create profitable user growth at scale. We're excited to support Addressable's mission to power marketers and look forward to accelerating the impact their platform already has in the gaming industry and beyond. The Addressable team distinguishes itself through its battle-tested magic in data and product development, along with a world-class track record in execution,” says Malte Barth, founding general partner at BITKRAFT Ventures. Addressable currently serves over 50 customers and has flawlessly executed over 750 campaigns, and is excited to unveil enhancements that include tailored playbooks for Gaming, DeFi, Blockchain Infrastructure, Services, and Exchanges. “In the early stages of engaging Web3 gamers, targeted marketing has been key to our success. By leveraging insights from both traditional gamers and Web3 gamers, we've refined our approach to user acquisition. Addressable's Web3 Growth Suite has delivered early promising results in enhancing our marketing strategies, particularly in the precise targeting of our gaming audience. The platform's role in our marketing efforts, especially in the transition from traditional to Web3 gamer engagement, has been noteworthy. Addressable's ability to identify and connect with potential gaming customers aligns well with our objectives, making it a valuable tool for our future gaming campaigns”, said Michael Migliero, CMO of Big Time Studios. Founded in June 2022 by Tomer Sharoni, Tomer Shlomo, and Dr. Asaf Nadler, Addressable is a testament to their profound expertise in data analytics and AI. Together, they have over 20 publications spanning blockchain, machine learning, and big data. The Addressable team comprises 24 employees, distributed across their offices in Tel Aviv, New York, London and Madrid. About Addressable Founded in June 2022 by Tomer Sharoni, Tomer Shlomo, and Dr. Asaf Nadler, Addressable is the Web3 growth marketing industry leader. Addressable allows marketers across the space to target and market directly to Web3 audiences by associating blockchain and social data, analyzing on-chain and off-chain behavior, and using big data for precise performance tracking. Contact for Addressable MarketAcross PR Contact Details MarketAcross PR Orian Tal +972 50-924-5200

December 21, 2023 11:50 AM Eastern Standard Time

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Milestone Year for Pocono Organics

Pocono Organics

Pocono Organics, one of the largest Regenerative Organic Certified ® (ROC) vegetable farms in North America, continued to earn notable achievements throughout 2023 creating awareness for the Regenerative Organic industry by innovative product development as well as being a travel destination for those looking for unique agri-tourism opportunities. Recognized as a Global Center for Research, Education, and Innovation, Pocono Organics achieved monumental Regenerative Organic Certified ® Silver status in December through its enhanced Regenerative Organic practices. “We are extremely proud to have reached ROC Silver status, said Ashley Walsh, President and Founder of Pocono Organics. “Our farm team worked very hard to increase our crop rotations and add additional Regenerative Organic farming practices such as creating a pollinator path, integrating compost management and maintaining grassed waterways and retention ponds on the farm. We also welcomed chickens as our first livestock to the farm.” “Since Pocono Organics reached Bronze level certification as producers of the world’s first Regenerative Organic Certified ® hemp, we have been inspired by the continued evolution of their exemplary commitments to Regenerative Organic farming,” said Elizabeth Whitlow, Executive Director of the Regenerative Organic Alliance. “Their rapid ascent to Silver level certification is applauded and well deserved. It shows the depth of their dedication to farming like the world depends on it!” Pocono Organics also earned NEXTY Award Finalist honors from New Hope Network in the Best New Innovation Experience category September 21 st at the 2023 Expo East in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for the farm’s hemp microgreen powder. “It was an honor to join such an amazing collection of NEXTY Award Finalists and I am so proud of our team for all of their work that brought this from idea to reality,” said Ashley Walsh, President and Founder of Pocono Organics. “Microgreens are incredibly nutrient dense as the University of Maryland did a study that found microgreens can have up to 40-times the nutritional value as their mature counterparts. This soil-based crop is also environmentally sound to produce taking seven to 14 days to grow and requiring a fraction of the water and labor efforts to grow. What’s more, microgreens are an extremely versatile nutrient dense source in powdered form, making it easy to incorporate into soups, smoothies, baked goods, sauces as well as other beverages.” The farm also succeeded in being awarded the USDA Value Added Producer Grant tosupport its vertical integration strategy for the microgreens powder products through the purchase of processing and packaging equipment. Walsh and her team have been focused on scaling up microgreen production for a growing list of interested natural food retailers as well as companies looking to use the microgreens as a source ingredient for existing or new products. “The USDA grant was a great opportunity for us to apply for funds that would truly help us acquire the equipment needed to become vertically integrated and offer more year round employment opportunities,” Walsh said. Adding, “This will greatly reduce our carbon footprint and expand our sustainability efforts as we to take our product from seed to market in a way that will allow us to grow with the interest we are seeing from companies in the natural food market.” Finishing out the progressive year, the 2023 Regenerative Travel Impact Awards September 20 th in New York recognized the 380-acre agritourism farm as a finalist in its Food & Agriculture category. The short-list of leaders included were recognized for pioneering travel destination efforts to revolutionize our eating habits and redefine how society sources and cultivates its food. Beyond growing nutrient-dense ROC vegetables, Pocono Organics includes an organic market and scratch kitchen led by Executive Chef, Lindsay McClain, who is also a Food Network Chopped Champion. Chef Lindsay’s zero-waste approach and creativeness in her Food Innovation Lab has led the farm’s café to put its mark on farm-to-table meals. Pocono Organics also leverages its sister-company, The Village at Pocono, as an agrotourism destination for guests looking for unique experiences and locations that fuse agriculture and food. The 56-room boutique resort includes rooms with full kitchens that can utilize Pocono Organics’ farm-to-room service where guests can order fresh produce in advance and have their refrigerators stocked upon their arrival. “We were honored to be recognized by Regenerative Travel,” Walsh said. “We want to bring people into conversations and experiences where they can learn about the power of food for human health and how regenerative organic agricultural practices can help heal our earth. There is a direct tie between soil health and human health and the clock is ticking for both planet and people. That is why we are so passionate about this type of farming using these farming methods and will continue to be a resource for people who want to be or want to learn how to be part of the solution.” About Pocono Organics Pocono Organics is a health and wellness organization with a mission to inspire people and heal the earth. The Global Center for Research, Education, and Innovation is one of the largest Regenerative Organic Certified (ROC) vegetable farms in North America and grows the world’s first ROC hemp. Located in Long Pond, Pennsylvania, Pocono Organics has more than 380 acres of farmland and over 38,000 square feet of greenhouse space. Pocono Organics has a strategic partnership with Rodale Institute, the global leader in Regenerative Organic Agriculture science and research and is one of their 5 Regional Resource Centers. Awarded the 2019 Environmental Innovator of the Year by the Green Sports Alliance, sustainability is a hallmark of Pocono Organics. Pocono Organics also serves the local community through its Clean Food, Dirty Hands school education program and veterans in transition through a Veteran Farmer Training Program in partnership with Rodale. The property also includes an organic farm market and café, and with a 56-room adjoining hotel, is an agritourism destination and host location for annual festivals. Visit to learn more about Pocono Organics mission and work. Contact Details Pocono Organics Jeanine Hofbauer +1 570-517-1792 Company Website

December 21, 2023 11:32 AM Eastern Standard Time

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AI Death Calculator: Can AI Calculate Your Fate?


The concept of predicting one's death has always seemed like a pursuit straight out of science fiction. Yet, in today's world of rapid technological advancement, the AI Death Calculator emerges as a startling reality. It's a tool designed not to alarm, but to inform and potentially guide individuals towards healthier lifestyle choices. This potent piece of technology, developed using the Life2vec algorithm, claims to estimate the time of your demise with an unnerving accuracy. How Does the AI Death Calculator Work? Life2vec, the engine behind the AI Death Calculator, is an algorithm that synthesizes massive amounts of data to paint a picture of your life and determine your life expectancy. But what kind of data does it use? The AI examines everything from medical history and genetic factors to lifestyle choices and socio-economic status. By compiling and analyzing these details, the AI Death Calculator can make predictions with an accuracy rate that has reached 78% in controlled environments. Accessing the AI Death Calculator: How Can You Test It Out? Are you curious about the potential insights the AI Death Calculator could offer about your life span? While the technology was initially kept from public access due to ethical concerns, there is now a way for you to explore its capabilities. Crushon AI Death Calculator: Evaluating the Life2vec Model Pros: Utilizes the advanced Life2vec model to analyze a broad spectrum of life expectancy factors. Provides a comprehensive analysis by considering both genetic and lifestyle elements. Offers a novel perspective on personal health and longevity predictions. Cons: May lack the ability to predict the impact of future medical breakthroughs or lifestyle changes. Raises privacy and ethical questions regarding the handling of sensitive personal data. Could potentially cause undue stress or anxiety due to its nature of predicting life expectancy. AI Death Calculator - Life2vec: Better User Experience Pros: User-friendly design that makes complex information accessible and easy to understand. Streamlined interface that guides users through the process without overwhelming them. Cons: Offers a generic experience that may not cater to individual user needs or concerns. Limited in providing personalized follow-up advice or support post-calculation. ChatGPT Death Calculator on Mortality Predictions Pros: Provides a personalized conversation to help users interpret and understand their results. Real-time interaction can address specific questions and concerns, adding value to the experience. Cons: Access to this premium service is restricted by a fee, which may exclude some users. Relies on user-provided information, which can vary in accuracy and influence the consultation's effectiveness. AI Death Calculator: How Can It Influence Healthcare? The AI Death Calculator's ability to predict life expectancy holds the potential to revolutionize personal healthcare. By understanding the various factors that the AI indicates as influential to your lifespan, healthcare providers could potentially offer personalized, preventative treatments. This could lead to an increase in the quality of care and a focus on prevention rather than cure. What Are the Limitations of the AI Death Calculator? Despite the impressive capabilities of the AI Death Calculator, it is not without its limitations. The tool's predictions are based on current data and algorithms, which means they cannot account for future medical advancements or unexpected life events. Additionally, the ethical implications of such a tool cannot be overstressed; the potential for misuse is a concern that developers and ethicists are taking seriously. AI Death Calculator and Ethics: What Are the Concerns? The creators of the AI Death Calculator are acutely aware of the potential for misuse by entities like insurance companies or employers. To combat this, strict ethical guidelines and usage restrictions have been put in place. The goal is to ensure that the AI Death Calculator is used to benefit individuals and society, rather than to discriminate or infringe upon personal privacy. Top AI Death Calculators with 100% Working: Do They Exist? In the sea of online tools vying to estimate your life expectancy, the Crushon AI Death Calculator stands out with its credible Life2vec-based technology. As a frontrunner in the field, it offers a sophisticated analysis that sets a benchmark for accuracy and reliability. Although there are numerous free alternatives that might provide a glimpse into your mortality, they often lack the comprehensive data model that Crushon employs. When using any of these tools, it's vital to do so with the knowledge that they are not infallible and should be considered as part of a broader approach to understanding your health and longevity. AI Death Calculator: A Tool for the Future? The AI Death Calculator is a harbinger of future technologies that will integrate AI into our everyday health decisions. As the technology evolves and becomes more accessible, it is likely that more people will turn to AI for insights into their health and longevity. AI Death Calculator: What Does the Future Hold? As AI technology progresses, the accuracy and capabilities of tools like the AI Death Calculator will only improve. Future iterations could incorporate real-time health data from wearable devices, further personalizing and refining life expectancy predictions. The integration of global health data could also make the tool more applicable across different populations and lifestyles. Conclusion: The AI Death Calculator and You The AI Death Calculator, with its Life2vec algorithm, stands as a remarkable achievement in the realm of artificial intelligence and healthcare. It prompts us to consider the implications of such technology both for our personal health and for society as a whole. As we continue to navigate the ethical landscape and improve the technology, the AI Death Calculator could become an integral part of our journey toward a healthier, more informed life. Contact Details AI Death Calculator AI Death Calculator Business +1 302-722-1830

December 21, 2023 10:45 AM Eastern Standard Time

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